We are Vindicated…

05 Jun

vindicationHi Guys,

Hmmm…Today has been a little testy…I had to mediate a he said/he said issue today and it was very unfortunate…mostly because the truth is so much better than a lie in EVERY circumstance, yet so many people refuse to be honest! Who to believe? I believe one party in particular, because of the nature of our relationship, and the fact that I don’t expect to be blatantly lied to (though I could be wrong)…Don’t know if you’ve ever had to sit between 2 parties, each accusing the other of some atrocity…both sticking to their claim…neither willing to bend…it can be taxing on the one trying to mediate…for me, I just want the truth…and when the truth is not forthcoming, frustration can set in.

In this case, one party is strong and powerful, and rich…, trained in being skillful at playing on words, looking for clues, making assumptions look like full-blown truths….the other is weaker..not very good with words, even fumbles over his words, and may even use them out of context, but he can be understood, if you listen.

As I listened to them go back and forth, with the stronger attempting to dominate the conversation, attempting to subtly use his affluence to cause the other to cower, I was proud of my “weak soldier”, as he stood up for himself..refusing to budge or bend on his position, but in the end willing to take the low position and call it quits..As Mr. Strong-Man left the room, I was left with Mr. Weak, and with almost tears in his eyes, he said “Ms. G, (as he affectionately calls me), I’m not lying..” My heart broke a little when he said that…something in me knows he’s telling the truth, and as I sighed and shook my head after his departure, I said, “Lord, vindicate your child…”

So many times, things happen to us in life that we cannot resolve…things are said that can’t be unsaid, lies are told against us, people who seem to have more power and influence than us, can sometimes bully us into feeling smaller and inadequate…the truth is, stuff sometimes just happens and we cannot respond, or don’t have the right words, or strength to defend ourselves.


I think in those moments when feel defenseless, and may even feel a little foolish that we didn’t respond a certain way, God will come to our defense and vindicate our names…sometimes, we don’t have to say a word.

I’d rather Him fight my battles than try on my own…Who can stand against Him?

Enjoy the rest of your evening..

I’ll continue to be pensive…





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