Category Archives: Time-Spending

Time – Spend it Wisely


Hi Guys!

How was your weekend? Mine was great!!

How are you spending your time? Are you making the most of each moment? Are you wasting it? Should you be doing certain things but are procrastinating? If so, why?

The vlog was recorded yesterday after church! Enjoy!

Talk to you tomorrow!




How Did I Get Here…?


Hi Guys!

Have you ever stopped to ponder how you got to the point where you currently are? I mean, in every way: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially…how did you get there?

If you have pondered, what were your conclusions? If your state is not what you want, do you blame someone else for your current situation, or have you taken responsibility for YOU?

For me, I remember some years ago, my mom expressed her concern about me being overweight, and my response to her was that I had faith to believe that God would fix it – her response was basically, “ummm, do you think God is gonna come down here and force you to eat right and get up and workout”? (My words – my mom doesn’t speak like that – it would have sounded a lot more sophisticated than that! LOL, right Kay??) – at the time I was a bit offended that she was really saying to me that God wasn’t going to fix it – offended that I would really have to put in some work! Ummm, Yori?? Duh! Yes, God has been faiiiiiiiiithful beyond belief so far on my journey, but I HAD to make the decision to obey Him when He told me to get my weight under control! I HAD to DECIDE to take action! I HAD to DECIDE to make the effort to eat the right things!

How did I get to almost 300 lbs? Well, it for sure wasn’t anyone else’s fault – I did that to myself…years of poor decisions, and the desire for instant gratification, took me from average, to overweight, to obese! Yori did that! No one else…

So since I did it to myself, I take the responsibility to fix it! Yay me!! Lots of hard work, commitment and dedication – but the rewards are awesome!

Your issue may very well not be your weight! It might be your finances, your relationships, your business – but whatever it is – take a look in the mirror and do the hard work of making yourself accountable for you! Only you will have to give an account on that day….

Have a great day as you think on these things!
