Tag Archives: faith

EXERCISE Your Faith!


Hi Guys!

I was talking with one of my girlfriends the other night, and she was telling me about things she used to do before she owned her own home that put her in a position of readiness once the home became visible – she started preparing – she bought curtains, rugs, pots and pans, cups, plates, etc – all the little necessities to start a new home and put them in storage. She had these things already in place so that when she and her husband were ready to turn their own key, they had something to work with! Before they even had money to think about buying a home, or even the prospect of a piece of land, she had a diagram of what she wanted her house to look like posted up on her wall – and in spite of how others laughed and teased…in spite of her naysayers, she believed it would come to pass and so she continued to prepare herself to become a homeowner!

The conversation really got me thinking about faith (the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen – Hebrews 11:1) and how practical it can be if we truly exercise it! We believe for something – great or small, yet how often do we prepare for that which we’re believing?

You may be believing for a husband (aren’t all of us single girls??? :)), what plans have you put in place to prepare yourself – mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and PRACTICALLY to receive one? Like, sister girl – can you cook? I’m jus’ sayin…. Or, you may be believing AND putting in the effort to lose some weight – where are the smaller sizes you’re expecting to wear once you meet your goal? Where’s the picture of the new hairstyle you plan to rock when you hit your target weight? Faith can be so practical! And sometimes, when we do the “little” things of preparing for the end result of our faith, that’s when we see the thing come to pass!

One of the worst things that can happen in life is for the BEST thing to happen to us and we’re not prepared for it!


When I started on my fitness journey, I was a size 24, but I BELIEVED that all my effort would not be in vain, so I started buying smaller clothes – (because I just can’t take the teasing from MDC and SSM that my clothes are too big! lol) – there are some clothes that I’m still wearing that are super big for me now, but that’s where I have to make use of my belts…otherwise, I’ll have to get stuff altered…the point is, I started preparing – I didn’t and still haven’t overhauled my whole closet yet, because I’m not exactly sure what size clothing I’ll end up in, but I do know FOR SURE, I will NOT be buying clothes in a bigger size EVER again (until I’m pregnant with Hannah – but that’s another story for another time! 🙂 )

EXERCISE – your body, your mind AND you faith – you’ll be glad you did!

Have a great weekend!





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